
How To Get A Capricorn Man

Are you trying to capture the affection of a Capricorn man?

If so, the odds suggest you're in for one for one hell of a rollercoaster with a lot of surprises in store.

Capricorns tend to have a lot of surprises in store. The personalities tend to deviate tremendously from the average guy.

But you never wanted to settle for average anyway, right?

With the guide below, you won't have to, because I have listed 15 ways to make a Capricorn obsess over you.

But, before we get into the list, it's important for you to read the following story carefully.

I used to be TERRIBLE at keeping high-value men in my life.

I could attract them with little problem, but they'd never want to stick around, and it's not as if I had a hugely flawed personality.

It took years to figure out why they'd always bounce, but I eventually did it.

Everything turned around for me when I learned how to trigger a certain aspect of a man's mind.

This part of the male psyche is most commonly called 'The Hero's Instinct'. When it's triggered, it releases overwhelming feelings of joy, power and purpose within a male. It's like the most powerful drug.

Needless to say, he wants to spend as much time as possible with the woman who can make him feel this way. He'll do whatever it takes to keep her happy.

I know because I've been practicing the art of activating a man's 'Hero's Instinct' for several years. You can learn more about my journey by reading my personal blog .

This is the secret to mastering the male mind, no matter what sign they have.

With that said, let's now take a look at some extra helpful Capricorn-specific tips.


  • 1 How To Make A Capricorn Man Obsessed With You
    • 1.1 1. Deliberately imitate him.
    • 1.2 2. Show him great respect.
    • 1.3 3. Give him your attention whenever he calls for it.
    • 1.4 4. Don't tell him lies.
    • 1.5 5. Sing his praise.
    • 1.6 6. Don't gossip about him.
    • 1.7 7. Avoid cutting in while he is talking.
    • 1.8 8. Sing for him.
    • 1.9 9. Write beautiful things about him.
    • 1.10 10. Don't shout at him.
    • 1.11 11. Tell him stories.
    • 1.12 12. Assist him with tasks.
    • 1.13 13. Buy him uncommon gifts.
    • 1.14 14. Tolerate his personality.
    • 1.15 15. Never be too demanding.
  • 2 Final Thoughts

How To Make A Capricorn Man Obsessed With You

1. Deliberately imitate him.

The Capricorn man believes that his world is peculiar to him alone and he sees everyone else as aliens and this makes him overly conscious of himself. He will interpret things that are not done the way and manner he likes as extraneous. He gets fascinated and excited when he sees people who act or do things the same way he usually does and this is a great point of attraction you should explore.

So if you want to make a Capricorn man to be so obsessed with you to such an extent that he can hardly get his mind off you, try imitating some things about him.

You can imitate the way a Capricorn laughs, the way he walks, the way he eats and so on. Doing this will get him attracted to you and consequently get him obsessed with you. This does not suggest that you should stop being yourself and start acting like someone else. Rather, it means that you should be flexible enough to copy some mannerisms of the strange man you want to not just fall in love with you but eventually become obsessed with you.

2. Show him great respect.

The Capricorn man can sometimes be so full of himself and will easily interpret any misbehavior as a sign of disrespect and this puts him off. If you are to make him fall in love with you, you must show him so much respect at every given opportunity. A relationship with this man is not always a bed of roses.

Don't try to be too assertive on him because he likes to feel that he is always in control. The moment he starts noticing any sign(s) of insubordination or confrontation, he will begin to withdraw and this you must avoid if you truly want him to think about you at all times. It is no doubt that men generally love to be in control but the Capricorn demands it to a very large extent, hence you must give him room for it.

3. Give him your attention whenever he calls for it.

Give him your attention whenever he calls for it

Capricorn men are sometimes attention-seeking men and you must give them your attention when they need or stand the risk of being taken as an enemy. He has his mind preoccupied with so many things and for you to occupy a place in his mind, you must give him your attention even when it is not so convenient to do so.

He does not like to be ignored especially by someone he has feelings for. So it is up to you to take him beyond the level of mere feelings to a level of obsession where he can hardly do anything without thinking of you and longing to have you by his side all the time. If for any reason, you are not able to give him your attention, kindly explain to him and apologize. As long as he can get your attention, he can as well get bombarded with deep thoughts of you.

4. Don't tell him lies.

As much as you can, always tell him the truth because he detests it whenever you tell him lies. He is a very direct person who likes it when people come out straight instead of trying to beat about the bush. He will feel at home with you when he knows you to be a truthful person. So no matter what happens, never tell him lies.

Be plain and direct when dealing with him, don't try to play games on him. He is very observant and can go ahead to try to find out facts on things he already knows just to confirm if you are a truthful person or not. So tell him the truth always and increase your chances of having him as your man, one in whose mind you occupy a special place.

5. Sing his praise.

The Capricorn man admires it when he is being celebrated or eulogized. So look out for remarkable things about him or some of the significant traits and characteristics he possesses and praise them. Speak sweet words about his personality and magnify them at every opportunity that you have. He is so full of confidence and increases confidence when his person is being praised.

For example, his physique could be something you find admirable. Go ahead and talk about it and amplify your love for it and you will have him falling for you over and again. He could even act like he is not interested in your praises but he is, it is just his person to sometimes act indifferent.

6. Don't gossip about him.

Don't gossip about him

If there is anything you don't like about him, you should speak up and let him know. He easily feels disgusted when people talk at his back and gets provoked by it. Be bold to tell him how you feel about the things you don't like or approve of rather than going about to tell others about it.

A Capricorn man is so conscious of the kind of people he has around him and always desires to have those he can trust, not those that are incorrigible gossips. He will try to avoid you in every way that he can once he finds out that you are a gossip. In his opinion, gossips should never be trusted. So if you want him to have his mind fixed on you, avoid gossiping. This is one thing that can easily make him your best friend.

7. Avoid cutting in while he is talking.

The Capricorn man is an expert at expressing himself. He is very quick to tell you what he thinks about you as well as share his opinions about events happening around him. Don't try to cut him short whenever he is talking as it makes him feel very bad. His stream of thoughts tends to be affected when cut short and to prevent this, he likes to say as much as he can without being interrupted.

So if you want to get a Capricorn man as the one man who is madly in love with you, avoid cutting him short as much as you can.

8. Sing for him.

If you are wondering how to attract a Capricorn man, you must know this. Music is very special and almost everybody loves music without any exception. If you can sing special and melodious songs to c Capricorn man, you will make him easily fall for you. Even when he acts like he is not giving attention to the songs you sing, continue singing as he is only trying not to get too emotional. He loves it when someone sings beautifully for him and you can take advantage of this to get him thinking about you.

This doesn't have anything to do with if you are a good singer or not. It is more about you singing from your heart than it is about your voice. The Capricorn man so delights in a voice that sings just for him and it is a way to let him know that you truly love him.

9. Write beautiful things about him.

Write beautiful things about him

Similar to singing for him, writing lovely words about him is another way of getting a stronghold of him. From writing about the deep affections that you have for him to writing about the stuff you love about him, beautiful writings easily get his attention and it is something you must try to do as often as you can.

By his very active and busy nature, he doesn't really have all the time in the world to read but once he realizes that the content of the material appeals to him, he will spare the time and go ahead to read. A Capricorn man hardly ignores anything that has information about him.

10. Don't shout at him.

You have to consciously choose the kinds of words that you use in communicating with him and try as much as you can to avoid having to shout at him. Instead of shouting, you should use calm and soft words that can soothe him.

Shouting at him or using words that can provoke him could work against it and so you must avoid them. Even when he shouts at you, don't take it too personally. You can tell him later on how bad he made you feel but you must try as much as you can to avoid shouting at him. The Capricorn man does not like confrontations.

11. Tell him stories.

The Capricorn man is used to only memories that are peculiar to his world which he is very used to. Telling him stories, especially those that are strange from what he knows can arrest his attention and eventually make him your love pet who can't be at ease until he sees you. Telling Capricorn man stories can also make every moment he spends with you so memorable to an extent that he will always look forward to such a moment and you will soon be his best friend and the only person he desires to see.

12. Assist him with tasks.

Being the zodiac's cardinal earth sign, the Capricorn man likes to handle tasks by himself and would hardly delegate except on rare occasions when he is unable to perform such tasks by himself. Despite this, he would always give someone with a sincere intention to help the opportunity to do so. He most likely will never call on you to assist him with performing simple tasks that he is already used to performing, however, he will not turn you down if you offer to help.

So always look out for things that you can assist him with and the go ahead to do so. The more of the assistance to a Capricorn man you give to him, the higher the chances of him getting so attracted to you and never wanting to let you go. This is one of the ways on how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you.

13. Buy him uncommon gifts.

Buy him uncommon gifts

It is almost a norm for men to buy gifts for ladies, but many men would appreciate it if their women bought them gifts and this is the same with a Capricorn man. The only difference between him and every other man is that the kind of gift that may be attractive to the generality of men may not appeal to him a bit.

The uncommon and outrageous kinds of gifts tend to appeal to him more. A drawing of him carrying out his routine task could mean more to him than buying him a brand new car. So you don't necessarily have to buy expensive gifts for a Capricorn man. All you have to do is find out the kind of things he likes to play with or talk about and you can go ahead and buy such a gift for him and you will be amazed at how he will begin to treat you as the only woman that matters in his world and he will take care of you.

14. Tolerate his personality.

By nature, the Capricorn man has a totally different response to people and situations and you have to get used to some of these if you are ever going to enjoy a relationship that can culminate in him having an obsession over you.

For instance, it is very unusual to see a Capricorn man in love as he will not show it as the ordinary man would do. He has very great control over his emotions and hardly gets controlled by it. When you expect him to get excited or euphoric at pleasant surprises, the best you could get could just be a nod and a little smile. This may look so strange but it is just the Capricorn guy personality and he really can't help it.

15. Never be too demanding.

The Capricorn guy doesn't like having around him someone who always makes demands of him as he interprets it as taking undue advantage of him. A Capricorn man prefers having a woman who has something to offer him and not one who is just concerned about what he has to offer. So as much as you can, avoid making demands of him excessively.

Prove to him that you also have something to offer. Take up some responsibilities that he never would have expected of you. Go the extra mile and make some remarkable moves that will leave him dumbfounded. The more value you tend to give him, the higher the chances that you will be the woman he dreams about every night.

Final Thoughts

The uniqueness of the Capricorn male makes it so unlikely that he would ever fall in love with a lady to the point of experiencing an obsession but this has happened several times in our world today. I have presented to you some of the powerful tips women who have succeeded in this quest used and got amazing results and I am very confident that if you can apply them, you will surely have testimonies.

I hope you have found this content useful in knowing how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you. I appeal to you to be kind enough and make sure you leave your comments and reactions below. You can as well share with your loved ones.

How To Get A Capricorn Man


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